
tinyrobotics is a lightweight C++ library which provides core robotics algorithms for kinematics and dynamics.


tinyrobotics is a lightweight C++ library which provides core robotics algorithms for kinematics and dynamics.

The goal of tinyrobotics is to be as simple as possible while still being incredibly fast and versatile.


The core algorithms of tinyrobotics are listed below, for detailed documentation on all the available functions, see documentation.


import_urdfGenerate a tinyrobotics model from a URDF robot description.


forward_kinematicsCompute homogeneous transform between links.
inverse_kinematicsSolve joint positions for desired pose between links.
jacobianCompute geometric jacobian to a link from base.
center_of_massCompute center of mass of model.


forward_dynamicsCompute joint accelerations given joint positions, velocities and torques.
inverse_dynamicsCompute joint torques given joint positions, velocities and accelerations.
mass_matrixCompute mass matrix given joint positions.
kinetic_energyCompute kinetic energy given joint positions and velocity.
potential_energyCompute potential energy given joint positions and velocity.
total_energyCompute total energy (kinetic + potential) given joint positions and velocities.


1. Install dependencies

sudo apt install -y libeigen3-dev catch2 libtinyxml2-dev

2. Build and install with cmake

git clone https://github.com/Tom0Brien/tinyrobotics.git && cd tinyrobotics
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install # copies files in the include folder to /usr/local/include*


The code below demonstrates how to generate a model via a URDF and use kinematics and dynamics functions. Numerous other examples are provided in the examples folder.

// Parse URDF
const int n_joints      = 5;
auto model              = import_urdf<double, n_joints>("5_link.urdf");
// Create test configuration, velocity, acceleration and torque vectors
auto q = model.random_configuration();
auto dq = Eigen::Matrix<double, n_joints, 1>::Zero();
auto ddq = Eigen::Matrix<double, n_joints, 1>::Zero();
auto tau = Eigen::Matrix<double, n_joints, 1>::Zero();
// Forward Kinematics
std::string source_link = "base";
std::string target_link = "end_effector";
auto H = forward_kinematics(model, q, target_link, source_link);
// Center of Mass
auto com = center_of_mass(model, q);
// Inverse Kinematics
InverseKinematicsOptions<double, n_joints> options;
options.max_iterations = 1000;
options.tolerance      = 1e-4;
options.method         = InverseKinematicsMethod::LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT;
auto q_solution             = inverse_kinematics(model, target_link, source_link, H, q, options);
// Jacobian
auto J = jacobian(model, q, target_link);
// Forward Dynamics
auto acceleration = forward_dynamics(model, q, dq, tau);
// Inverse Dynamics
auto torque = inverse_dynamics(model, q, dq, ddq);
// Mass Matrix
auto M = mass_matrix(model, q);
// Kinetic Energy
auto T = kinetic_energy(model, q, dq);
// Potential Energy
auto V = potential_energy(model, q);
// Total Energy
auto E = total_energy(model, q, q);